Thursday, January 29, 2009

In the beginning...

Hello and welcome to my bangin' blog for Jessica Hochman's Instructional Technology course of spring 2009. I'm Emily Chornomaz, a YA librarian trainee at Brooklyn Public Library and a lover of guacamole (had to be said). I am excited that we all will be blogging for this class, it's such a great way to organize your thoughts when reacting to a specific book/article/discussion/anything. I recently started my own libraryland blog that I am shamelessly plugging. Although it is new and by no means do I update frequently, I've already found it to be helpful to give my ideas and critiques a bit more weight, to keep them alive until I can use them in tangiable ways or perhaps inspire someone else to build off them. I believe that our blogs will be of use to each other and ourselves, during this class and in positions we will find ourselves in the future. On y va! Let's go!

***ps...the white house has a blog??!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, the White House does have a blog, and the President has a Blackberry. It is a whole new world. On y va, indeed!
