Sunday, May 10, 2009


So here we are, about 24 hours before the start of our last class of the semester. I really enjoyed this course - I felt we almost always had healthy discussions IRL (in real life) and there were some absolutely terrific blog posts that popped up here and there. Librarian as educator should be a given - I'm not sure everyone in the profession would agree with that, but this class has convinced me. Considering new technologies as teaching tools was time well spent.

I appreciated the fact that we could actually apply the ideas/theories/questions that were floating around from discussions and readings into a real lesson plan. The project that Nicole, Jessie, Jess and I created is one that I'd actually like to use in my professional career! I wish we had begun the projects sooner - maybe even have the groups made at the beginning of the course. It was such a tangible way to drive concepts home. :)

I hope our presentation goes well tomorrow and I had a lot of fun listening to everyones reactions to the readings and discussions. Thanks for a great class everyone, I mean it! :)


  1. I enjoyed our IRL class discussions, too! I'm really looking forward to your presentation tonight, especially knowing that you see it as RL applicable. Applying the floating ideas/theories/questions was satusfying, for sure; knowing exactly how and why one actually uses a resource is infinitely more satisfying--and useful--than just talking about it.

    See you/listen to you soon! :)

  2. I am so glad you feel that your project would be relevant in your (new, exciting) work life. This is my greatest wish when planning a syllabus.
